Join the Centre for International Affairs and Cooperation in welcoming 71 students for a 1-semester exchange to UUM!
They will arrive on 30 September 2024 and stay with us until 13 February 2025. These students are embarking on an exciting journey at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), representing 5 different countries and coming from 21 partner universities. This exchange program is a fantastic opportunity for cross-cultural learning and global collaboration, and we are thrilled to have them join our UUM family.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the following partner universities for sending their students to UUM:
- Binus University, Indonesia (7 students)
- Boading University, China (2 students)
- Chuo University, Japan (4 students)
- Hebei Finance University, China (2 students)
- Heihe University, China (2 students)
- IPAG Business School, France (3 students)
- Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia (4 students)
- Kansai University International Studies, Japan (1 student)
- Langfang Normal University, China (1 student)
- Okayama University, Japan (1 student)
- Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia (2 students)
- Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia (4 students)
- Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia (7 students)
- Universitas Prof. Dr. Hamka, Indonesia (10 students)
- Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei (4 students)
- University Islam Indonesia, Indonesia (4 students)
- University of Mataram, Indonesia (3 students)
- University Mercu Buana, Indonesia (2 students)
- University of Tsukuba, Japan (2 students)
- Weinan Normal University, China (3 students)
- Xi’an Jiatong University City College, China (2 students)
As a university known for its rich diversity and warm hospitality, we encourage all UUM staff and students to unite to make our exchange students feel at home. Whether through introducing them to the vibrant Malaysian culture, offering guidance, or simply sharing a friendly conversation, let’s make their experience at UUM truly memorable.
Here is the list of exchange students and their respective school hosts:
- Kylian Claude-Emile Robat
- Naza Marwa Sabina
- Vira Septiyana
- Shofi Mardiyah
- Aulia Fidiasari Achmadi
- SGRO Jeanne Liliane Ida
- Ariella Raissa Rahmanina
- Chandrika Trisandra
- Eugene Jeremy Kie Toredjo
- Kevin Albar Baskandari
- Lu Yi
- Muhammad Izza Anbiya
- Rasha Aulia Filiardhi
- Revina Ameera Hidayat Puteri
- Thery Louna Noel Marine
- Wakabayashi Yuzuki (2 semesters)
- Wangxiaojiao
- Muhamad Fazil Arkana
- Muhammad Aji Bayu
- Muhammad Taufiq
- Raihan Muyassar Abbud
- Sakamoto Mika
- Sri Rahmawati
- Adinda Ajeng Marchilia
- Alya Nafisa Larasati Napitupulu
- Arya Dwi Danuarta
- Ayesha Salma Fabrizio
- Dinda Asifa
- Du Ziyao
- Ibnu Akbari
- Indra Gunawan
- Monica Kis Al Zahra
- Nanda Rizkiyani
- Rindang Kesuma Azzahra
- Sugiyama Ryo
- Syakira Hulwah Firmayanti
- Tomita Sotaro
- Ummah Nadhifah Shofiatul
- Wan Yuan
- Zhang Jiaqi
- Fei Yirao
- Feng Ruotong
- Guo Yutong
- Miyata Yohei
- Peng Hanyue
- Wang Huajie
- Zhang Xin
- Zhao Chenhan
- Baiq Septia Rizkia Putri
- Calista Regganis Harahap
- Hanaeda Yu
- Najwa Fazzahra Bakary
- Adji Prasetyo
- Ahmad Rayhaan Yusri
- Muhammad Syavin Eka Lesmana
- Basma Maisyah
- Miyazaki Kaname
- Sintia Novitasari
- Garick Gregorius Rore
- Mizushima Haruto
- Nevashya Laura Tanusaputra
- Osono Rui (2 semesters)
- Anson Shavina Hj. Abdul Rahman
- Nur Nabihah Othman
- Nur Nabilah Othman
- Nur Syahidah Nadhirah Zaini
- Auditha Irbah Dhyaa Putri
- Irza Hani Azhar
- Risya Syahputri
- Lusiana Alifia
- Thufaila Humaira Haifa
We are excited about this new chapter of cross-cultural interaction and hope you join us in making these students’ time at UUM unforgettable. Let’s show them the warmth and hospitality Malaysians are so proud of!
Welcome to UUM!
Director & Staff, CIAC, Universiti Utara Malaysia